How to Use 10DLC Text Messaging to Get Reviews on Google

10DLC stands for 10-digit long code. It is a new type of long code that is designed to improve the delivery of A2P (application-to-person) messages. A2P messages are messages that are sent from businesses to consumers, such as marketing messages, appointment reminders, and two-factor authentication codes.  Reputation Boost utilizes this code to help businesses survey their customers and drive reviews to their Google My Business page.

10DLC is different from traditional long codes in a few ways. First, 10DLC messages are subject to a higher level of scrutiny by carriers. This helps to ensure that only legitimate businesses are sending A2P messages, and that these messages are not being used for spam or other malicious purposes.

Second, 10DLC messages are delivered to a dedicated inbox on the recipient's phone. This means that recipients are less likely to miss or ignore these messages.

Third, 10DLC messages can be tracked more easily than traditional long code messages. This helps businesses to measure the effectiveness of their A2P campaigns.

Reputation Boost leverages 10DLC by providing benefits for local businesses when surveying their customers. For example, Reputation Boost's 10DLC survey system can help businesses to:

  • Reach a wider audience: 10DLC messages are delivered to a dedicated inbox on the recipient's phone, which means that they are less likely to be missed or ignored. This can help businesses to reach a wider audience with their surveys.
  • Improve response rates: Because 10DLC messages are delivered to a dedicated inbox, recipients are more likely to see and respond to them. This can lead to improved response rates for surveys.
  • Collect more valuable feedback: 10DLC messages can be tracked more easily than traditional long code messages. This means that businesses can collect more valuable feedback from their customers.

Overall, Reputation Boost's 10DLC survey system is a powerful tool that can help local businesses to improve the delivery of their surveys and collect more valuable feedback from their customers.

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