Consejos para eliminar las reseñas negativas de Google

Lamentablemente, Google no ofrece una opción sencilla para eliminar las opiniones. En su lugar, sólo hay dos formas de eliminar una opinión. La persona que ha publicado la opinión puede eliminarla o tu empresa puede "marcar la opinión como inapropiada". Marcar la opinión avisa a Google de que es falsa o de que no cumple las políticas de opinión de Google.

A continuación, se le dirigirá a la página de destino que aparece a continuación, donde deberá rellenar un breve informe sobre el problema y enviar su dirección de correo electrónico para recibir una comunicación de seguimiento. Es importante tener en cuenta que Google dispone de verificadores de spam integrados que analizan automáticamente las opiniones para detectar contenido inapropiado, irrelevante o engañoso. Aunque esta función es bastante fiable, a veces se pasan por alto las opiniones inexactas, lo que puede dar lugar a una percepción negativa de su empresa. 

In this case, you'll want to take matters into your own hands and report the review yourself.

Here's how to do that.

1. Open Google Maps and locate your business.
2. Find the review on the Google reviews page.
3. Click the three vertical dots to the right of the review.
4. Select the option Report Review.
5. Choose an option for the question: What's wrong with this review?
6. Report the Google review.

When to Flag a Google Review

According to Google, the topics below are against its user terms and conditions. Therefore, if you notice a review that falls under one of these categories, your team can request to remove that content.

Irrelevant Comments

Google wants to make sure its users are getting accurate information about your business. So, if you're seeing comments that don't pertain to your organization or a customer's experience, you should flag these reviews for Google to remove.

Illegal Content

Some businesses provide products or services that are illegal in certain locations. Google accounts for this by prohibiting users from posting reviews that contain links to websites or email addresses that sell illegal products. This also includes  images that promote products or special offers.

Inappropriate/Offensive/Explicit Content

Google will remove any content that it views as "obscene, profane, or offensive." It will also remove reviews that are threatening or contain derogatory comments. If you come across any reviews like these, be sure to flag them immediately to protect your brand's image.

Conflicts of Interest

Google wants its reviews to be as unbiased as possible. Therefore, you can't post a review of a company that you own or work for. You also can't post a review of your competitor, as this would allow you to manipulate their rating in your favor.


Google values the accuracy of its reviews as well. It doesn't want to misrepresent a business or provide deceptive content to its users. Because of this, all Google reviews must be published by the person writing the review. You can't publish the review on someone's behalf or pretend to be someone else when submitting your review.

Disadvantages of Reporting a Google Review

As you can imagine, this process is slow and doesn't guarantee that your review will be removed. And, even if Google does decide to remove it, there's no telling when it will actually be taken down. In that time, your business could lose thousands of customers if you wait for Google to handle the issue.

The other major setback is that Google won't remove a review just because it's negative. The point of Google reviews is to provide users with unbiased feedback from other customers' experiences. If those experiences are poor, Google wants its users to be aware of them. So, if you're upset with a customer's opinion, the odds aren't in your favor for a removal.
Instead, your customer service team needs to take action if you want to remove a negative Google review.

The Power of Google Reviews is in Your Hands!

Waiting for Google to remove a review from its search engine can be time consuming and tedious. However, the steps listed above should help your customer service team quickly address negative Google reviews and improve your relationship with new and existing customers.

Have you ever had a negative review that has nothing to do with your business? Does the process of actually disputing reviews make you frustrated with major review platforms? Our dispute button technology makes it incredibly easy to dispute negative reviews with a click of a button. No matter what kind of business you own, your customers are likely to look for you online. One of the first things they’ll do is look for online reviews about your business. Reviews establish trust and provide the validation your customer needs before going in for a purchase. If you get consistently bad reviews, you may lose customers for years to come.

The problem is major review platforms don't make it easy to dispute negative reviews. We provide an easy to use button that tells our team to dispute the review on your behalf. We let you know if the review is pending and when the review was disputed. If we get the review removed, we will email you the results. Although we can't guarantee any negative review removals, we have an excellent process that will give you confidence that if it can be disputed, it will.

Ahora se preguntará, ¿qué relación tiene Reputation Boost? ¡Podemos disputar sus reseñas por usted! Por sólo $399 al mes, podemos construir sus comentarios mediante la utilización de nuestro sistema de código QR que se crea para su negocio. Así como disputar sus críticas negativas para usted. Todo lo que necesita hacer es centrarse en el funcionamiento de su negocio, mientras que construimos su reputación en línea. ¿Está preparado? Empecemos hoy mismo!

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